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Why Canada?

Migration is one of the most popular topics all around the world these days, it could sometimes be the reasons for refuge, study, return, work, etc. And among all the popular countries such as England, Australia and the United States, why should we consider Canada as your final destination? Today, we are here to talk about the things you should know if you’re thinking of immigrating to Canada.

First of all, comparing Canada with several English-speaking countries, Canada has the following advantages in education. Canada has bilingual education, English and French, and if you learn French well, it could boost your opportunity to immigrate to Canada as a permanent resident because the country has always wanted and flavoured French speakers. From elementary school to high school in Canada, you will have 12 years of free education, children who go to university, the tuition fee is a quarter of that of the overseas foreign students, this is because Canadian universities are all public and government funds are allocated every year. Canadian children go to daycare kindergartens at the age of 4, which is almost completely free because every province has day care child subsidies. There are 5 Canadian universities in the top 100 in the world, McGill University ranks 22nd; University of Toronto ranks 29th; Columbia University ranks 46th; University of Waterloo ranks 76th, and McGill University’s clinical medicine major ranks among the top in the world. Also, there are 16 Nobel Prize winners that are from McGill University.

Second of all, medical care in Canada is free (except for dentists). Once the applicant is admitted to the hospital, the government will bear the burden of eating, drinking, and drinking. Canada does not need to pay pensions, people over the age of 65 can receive pensions if they have lived in Canada for 10 years. If they have worked, they can also receive retirement pensions. The monthly retirement pension is about 1160 Canadian dollars; the monthly pension is about 600 Canadian dollars, and low-income and single-parent families can also subsidize about 920 Canadian dollars per month as well. Children under the age of 18 on the other hand, can receive a child benefit. Child benefit is a subsidy for low-income families (referring to their wage income). A child can receive about 680 Canadian dollars per month. And if it is for a single-parent family, the child's benefit allowance could be higher too.

Last but not least, is the lifestyle and living standard in Canada. Canada has been awarded the title of "The World's Best Place to Live" for 16 consecutive years and the city of Vancouver has been named the "World's Best Place to Live" for many years. Canada is A multi-ethnic, multi-cultural society where there is absolutely no xenophobia in living. It doesn't discriminate against people of colour like Australia, doesn't exclude non-white groups like the United States, where shootings happen every day, and isn't xenophobic like Britain. Among all other cities and provinces in Canada, the police chiefs are in all different kinds of races and ethnicities. Canada's air quality also ranks first in the world. In 2019, among the top 10 cities with the cleanest air in the world, 8 Canadian cities were shortlisted. For Canadian citizens and permanent residents, as long as they have an annual income over the minimum wage, they can sponsor their parents and grandparents to live in Canada with them. There are many types of immigrants that Canada supports here, such as living under the same household, we call it a common law couple which no need to provide marriage certificates; as well as conjugal partner which means the government of Canada recognize and support same sex couple that didn’t or couldn’t obtain a marriage certificate. Another reason you should consider Canada over other countries is that Canada and the United States are known as brother countries. Therefore, Canadian citizens can go to the United States to work and study, they can also apply for a green card and citizenship in the United States. This might also be the best bet for those who want to live in the United States as their final destination and use Canada as a springboard to it.

Fingerprinting Security Canada Inc. is here to provide digital fingerprinting services that can help you with applying for criminal record check (CRC) for any kinds of immigration purposes. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call, email or just walk-in for more information.

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